Make way for the Gingerbread Train coming through – Step by Step make your own!
Gingerbread isn’t ‘just’ for houses and little people! Our favorite cookie can be cut to make just about anything. And today, we bring you a great step-by-step set of instruction to build a whole train.
The instructions on the site include the parts/shapes you need to cut out, how to frosting them together and what the many train parts may look like. Even downloadable PDF templates to really make the shape cutting easy! You can customize as you like… just add a couple little highlights using bits of candy and colored frosting and a caboose could become a Santa Caboose or a engine is run by little figures of all of the family. It’s simple projects like these that lets everyone create Gingerbread Holiday fun then add their personal touches.
How to Make a ‘Mini’ Haunted Gingerbread House
There is still some time before Halloween is here next week to get your goodies together and make a ‘mini’ haunted Halloween Gingerbread house.
- 12 cinnamon graham cracker rectangles
- 1 cup Betty Crocker® Rich & Creamy chocolate frosting (from 1-lb container)
- 1/2 cup roasted salted pumpkin seeds
- Black string licorice, cut into pieces
- 10 shortbread cookie crisps
- 1/4 cup Betty Crocker® Rich & Creamy white frosting (from 1-lb container)
- 1/4 teaspoon Betty Crocker® orange gel food color
- 1 fudge-covered graham cracker
- 1 orange jelly bean
- 3 pieces candy corn
- 1 cup graham cracker crumbs
- 1/2 cup chocolate graham cracker crumbs
- Candy rocks
- 8 chocolate cookie sticks and creme, broken
- Candy pumpkins
- Bone-shaped candy sprinkles
- Instructions HERE
Create a Gingerbread house online… drag and drop family fun for all ages
Years ago, we found a site that let us have fun building Gingerbread Houses online. The site has gotten a bit outdated, which has resulted in email from our many visitors asking about new options. Luckily, this week we found another page that is helping us put together all kinds of ideas for new Gingerbread houses.
Starting with a clean house with a bit of frosting, just click and drag one of the many candy choices from the lower part of the screen up the house. The candies can be moved around as you like, they aren’t stuck where they are placed originally. When the virtual Gingerbread House is they way you like it, share with others by taking a screen shot or printing the page. Jump over to the Home Sweet Home page to start pasting candies onto your Gingerbread house.