We found the kit months ago, a ‘learning electronics’ available from the folks at Make. The ‘kit’ was a little paper cut out house that instead of having wires, had a pen that you used to draw circuits. The kits came with a little chip that ‘sees’ when the lights in the room are on, a couple little lights (LEDs), and a couple bits to power and control how the lights work. We of course got a kit (includes two houses) and painted them with color markers to look like little Gingerbread houses. A recent visit to the Bare Conductive site that makes the kit for Make looks to have had a similar idea:
The two house kit is available on Maker Shed’s site.
If you want to see what you will be doing with the kit before buying, here is the Bare Conductive Kit Instructions Page. This evening, we pulled apart one of our houses and are playing with putting the lights inside of one of the Gingerbread Men we built from our previous Cube print and fold craft post.