We mentioned there is a lot of fun stuff for the Gingerbread Fan over on Etsy. When we came across this one, we just had to share. It reminds us that there is a lot of fun to be had in putting together a Gingerbread House. It isn’t just four walls, a roof and some icing. You can add things that personalize it to your family or to theme that everyone knows. In this case, the creation is around the love of Hello Kitty. You can have a Gingerbread person to represent each person in the family. Or maybe let everyone make their face in a window using a icing tube to draw with. Different colors of icing not he walls of the house can take a brown house to a colorful one that resembles a building everyone had a good time at over the last vacation. There is fun in making a Gingerbread House that is like the ones over the years and there is fun in customizing the look to something unique to your family. Most important, it’s family fun!