There is Gingerbread fun that doesn’t require an oven or anything editable. Yet, is still fun for the whole family or even around the office.
As you can see above, the cute little Gingerbread fellow is actually paper cubes. We found a site that has designs for two different Gingerbread men as well colorful packages. Just download the PDF and print to your local printer. We found the less expensive photo paper worked best for color and folding. Cutting is best done with a knife since the tabs interlock. Scissors can be used around the outer edge though so kids can do that part. Folding and assembly can be enjoyed by the whole family. For work, more precision can used with the knife and scoring lines prior to folding if the finished cubes will be on view of clients.
This is a image of the artwork you can download. Don’t use the image as it is too low of resolution, go to the site to download the better PDF.