Gingerbread House Bakery on Oregon Coast in Newport

These Gingerbread Houses are made from an original Gingerbread Cookie recipe. The bakery uses all the ingredients called for and took no short cuts. The bakery has built 5 houses this year and used approximately:

* 340 # flour (and spices)
* 200 # powder sugar
* 200 egg whites
* 160 whole eggs
* 45 # honey
* 75 # sugar
* 10 # baking powder
* 60 # sourball candies (all the windows are made of sour balls)
* $300 of cookies & assorted candies.

There are over 750 lights in and on the 5 houses. Each house took about 25 – 35 hours to complete. The total combined weight of the houses is over 500 #.

The Gingerbread Houses were baked, constructed & decorated in about a two month period. It took the entire Culinary & Stewarding Staff’s participation along with some willing Bartenders, Wait Staff, and many volunteer hours from Family & Friends to complete the houses.  Visit here for more.

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